Friday, January 1, 2010


The immune system can make or break your health. In fact, you could say it defines your health. A weak immune system makes you more susceptible to illness; a strong one can keep you free of disease.

Here are the major players in the immune system:

• the bone marrow, which produces white blood cells or leukocytes that circulate throughout the body to detect and destroy harmful substances.

• the thymus, a small organ located above the heart that serves as a sort of training center for immune cells.

• lymph organs (nodes and vessels) aid the immune function by cleansing the blood and lymph, which is the fluid that circulates in the body and traps harmful organisms that are floating in the bloodstream.

• spleen, tonsils, appendix, and Peyer's patches, which all protect the body against dangerous toxins and invading microorganisms.

Specialized cells of the immune system include:

• B cells, which produce antibodies against infectious agents.

• T cells, which are specially trained by the thymus to recognize specific invaders.

• Natural killer cells, also called "the kiss of death", wander through the body and attack cancerous cells.

• Phagocytes such as the monocyte and macrophage (also called “eating cells”), which engulf and destroy microorganisms and debris.

Together, these various cells create a strong defense against substances that threaten the health of the body.

The body is equipped with many defense systems. Here are a few of them:

• "seek and destroy" mechanisms (macrophages, T-cells, natural killer cells)

• protective chemicals (lysozyme, oleic acid, stomach acid)

• flushing mechanisms (sneezing, coughing)

• natural resistance (the body's inherent ability to avoid some illnesses)

• normal flora (bacteria, yeast, and protozoa that inhabit the skin, intestines, and body cavities. They compete against other, more harmful invading agents)

• other simple defenses such as a tough skin layer, protective hairs, and mucosa.

The immune system is not a centrally located system, but is everywhere in the body. It's a complex network of cells and organisms all working together in the battle against disease.

The choice is up to you: either wave the white flag of surrender, or put up a good fight by eating right.

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